Abdullah Al Marri attends the graduation ceremony of the second batch from Hemaya Schools.


Dubai (Al-Ittihad)

His Excellency Lieutenant General Abdulkhaleq Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, attended the graduation ceremony of the second batch of students from Hemaya Schools for the academic year 2023-2024. The event saw the graduation of 204 students and took place at the Dubai Police Academy, attended by the General Commander's assistants, directors of general departments, police station managers, and the students' parents.

His Excellency Lieutenant General Al Marri congratulated the Dubai Police employees and their children on the occasion of the graduation, wishing them success and prosperity in their lives. He emphasized that Hemaya Schools are one of a series of initiatives adopted by Dubai Police to enhance the happiness of its employees, highlighting the full support of Dubai Police for its children at various educational stages, according to the vision of the wise leadership, which is based on investing in people and creating a positive and happy work environment that contributes to enhancing the spirit of initiative and creativity.

His Excellency explained that the graduation of this group of Hemaya Schools students is a source of pride for the leadership, reflecting the educational gains achieved for the children of the employees and alleviating the burdens on the police staff, enhancing the principle of belonging and institutional cooperation, employee happiness, and increasing job satisfaction.

Support for Employees

Brigadier Dr. Sultan Al Jamal, Acting Assistant Commander-in-Chief for Academic and Training Affairs, stated that the establishment of Hemaya Schools in 2018 was to support the workers in Dubai Police, both military and civilian, by alleviating their burden and enhancing their happiness. He noted that the leadership in Dubai Police has been keen to leverage many of its resources to support Hamaya Schools, through enhancing integration with all sectors, which contributed to making the educational knowledge and skills acquired by the students an added value for this generation, alongside partnerships with various entities in the education sector, with the aim of making Hamaya Schools pioneers in preparing a generation armed with knowledge and diverse skills.

Advancement in Education

Lieutenant Colonel Abdul Aziz Al Suwaidi, Director of Hemaya Schools Office, stated that Hemaya Schools in various stages have worked hard to advance their educational system, supported and followed up by His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, which contributed to the schools achieving many accomplishments, both at the individual level of the students and at the school level.

Al Suwaidi added: Since 2018, Hemaya Schools have attracted a selection of teachers, administrative staff, and supervisors, carefully chosen to build a generation capable of acquiring various educational and cognitive skills, as well as aspects related to participation in major events, community and volunteer roles. What distinguishes Hemaya students is that specialized programs have been developed to involve them in various major events, initiatives, and activities organized by Dubai Police, in addition to summer activities.

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